ambrestudio back on Instagram. As a shared positive destination.

Hi everyone!  

I am sharing this petition, as an attempt to reach out to Instagram. This is one those stories for those that can relate to those losing something they the believe in a project, manifesto, or a business, all at the cost of others.  

Ambrestudio was started as a humble Instagram page with only 3k followers was disactivated 1 week ago with no warning or clear reason as to why.    

The main objective of this page is to simply share the creative process alongside sketches, abstract lines, clay projects and photography. What began as a creative outlet eventually evolved into a page radiating with positivity, female empowerment, and design inspiration for all.  

During the most difficult period of the lockdown, I began experiment with different creative outlets to cope with loneliness and uncertainty. Little did I know, this journey would lead to me finding my mantra. To not only create but to share my creativity and positivity with others. Being a difficult and intense year filled with loss and despair, I began to externalize my emotions during times of reflection during the Covid-19 lockdown. As pure form of creative outlet supported by friends, family and my community Ambre was born. Ambre is a pure creative outlet that helped me to express my true essence and cope with my pain and suffering projecting through art, sketches, creativity, and community. 

Every day I began to discover more pieces to share on Ambre (ambrestudio) between, ceramics, flowers, abstract faces goddesses, feminine silhouettes to fashion accessories like unique painted old jeans or simply improvising on canvas. All these things created with passion and love became small pieces of joy for my friends and community under the most difficult times. Unbelievable as it may be that one year filled with emotions and sharing could bring a small sense of peace to others all through a humble Instagram account.  

This is why I am sending out this petition, in hopes that Instagram will give us a second chance to continue ambrestudio sharing positivity with others.   

Thank you all for your love and support, every signature counts!




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